Project Reflection
I came across a video on youtube that visualized all kinds of sorting algorithms. Here is the video. Instantly captivated by the concept, I felt compelled to embark on a similar project of my own. To get started, I followed a comprehensive tutorial on setting up a React application and proceeded to implement various sorting algorithms.
The project seemed really interesting and I decided to create a algorithm visualizer of my own. I followed a tutorial. linked here to create a react app that would allow me to visualize the sorting algorithms. Front end is not my biggest interest and because of this I never got to deep into react. Having the tutorial was really helpful to understand react. Once I had react set up is was now time to implement the algorithms. I had implemented sorting algorithms from scratch in python before so this was pretty straight forward.
I deployed the project using Heroku, making it easily accessible to everyone. I have included the links below, where you can explore the deployed application. I also included the link to the github project where you can get the code and implement algorithms on your own :) . Additionally I also have a github project where I implement all sorts of algorithms as well as data structures from scratch.
link to vizualiser repo link to algorithm vizualiser link to data structures and algorithms repo