In this project I craeted a python module that creates spotify playlists from the most popular songs in spotify playlists. It uses a some words to search the spotify api for playlists with same words in them. From those spotify playlists that we searched we go through each and find its most popular songs. Those most popular songs get added to the playlist we are trying to craete. Here is an example
My initial idea was to create a python module to turn youtube playlists into spotify playlists after I saw it in a youtube video here. One of the libraries that was used in the video wasn’t available anymore so I created something else. I wanted to get expereicen working with apis so I decided I would just focus on learning the spotify api and getting something working.
For the project the tools I used python, the spotify. Once I felt like I understood enough for what I needed I then moved to understanding the spotify api. Originally I was going to have something similar where I would search spotify playlists and get random songs from each playlist. However as I read the documentation for the spotify api I leanred that each song has a popularity value which I found interesting. I deicded that would be a better way to determine which songs get added to a new playlist.
If you want to create playlists for yourself you can clone the project and use your own api keys and run it. There are intructions in the on how to get the project started locally.
link to the github repo